Final Score: Canisius 1, Connecticut 0
Attendance: 336
Referee: Jame Doyle
Assistant Referee: Tom Carpenito
Assistant Referee: Tom Quinn
Connecticut Lineup: |
Canisius Lineup: |
1st Period:
2nd Period:
3rd Period:
CNS 01:29 Corey Lucas (Todd Bisson, Joel Tarvudd)
Connecticut Goaltending:
1st | 2nd | 3rd | Total | Minutes | |
Marc Senerchia | 11 | 10 | 7 | 28 | 59:48 |
EMPTY NET | 0:12 |
Canisius Goaltending:
1st | 2nd | 3rd | Total | Minutes | |
Sean Weaver | 7 | 10 | 4 | 21 | 60:00 |
Connecticut Power-Play: 0/2
Canisius Power-Play: 0/3
1st Period:
CON 19:38 Ciro Longobardi (2 - Holding)
2nd Period:
CON 02:44 Michael Narotski (2 - Charging)
CNS 11:22 Jason Spence (2 - Interference)
CNS 11:55 Tim Warrilow (2 - Holding)
3rd Period:
CON 18:06 Mike Anderson (2 - Holding)
CNS 18:48 Rob Othmann (2 - Hitting after the Whistle)
CON 18:48 Marc Busenburg (2 - Hitting after the Whistle)
Connecticut Penalties: 4 for 8
Canisius Penalties: 3 for 6
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