Long Island University Sharks (Women)
 2019-2020 Team Statistics
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Scoring Overall - 32 GP (14-18-0 .438) Conference Only - 20 GP (11-9-0 .550) Career
22 Carrigan Umpherville F FR 31 19 14 33 5/10 5 0 4 +8 106 19 15 10 25 5/10 4 0 3 +14 75 31 19 14 33
21 Matilda af Bjur F FR 32 10 15 25 6/12 4 0 2 +5 100 20 9 12 21 5/10 4 0 2 +13 68 32 10 15 25
9 Abby Latorella F FR 32 10 11 21 7/14 0 0 2 +3 92 20 10 7 17 6/12 0 0 2 +19 65 32 10 11 21
16 Megan Bouveur F FR 32 9 12 21 5/10 2 0 1 -3 64 20 8 10 18 5/10 2 0 1 +11 49 32 9 12 21
26 Alva Johnsson F FR 32 12 7 19 15/30 0 2 0 +1 87 20 10 6 16 9/18 0 2 0 +12 69 32 12 7 19
27 Renee Hoffmann F FR 31 8 10 18 13/26 0 2 1 -2 53 20 6 8 14 7/14 0 1 1 +6 41 31 8 10 18
2 Paula Bergström D FR 28 6 12 18 28/56 1 0 3 -7 67 16 3 10 13 16/32 0 0 1 +8 52 28 6 12 18
20 Stella Scott F FR 31 6 8 14 14/39 2 0 0 -10 36 19 5 8 13 12/35 1 0 0 +5 24 31 6 8 14
23 Molly Meyers F FR 29 7 5 12 10/20 4 0 0 -4 40 19 2 3 5 6/12 1 0 0 -2 30 29 7 5 12
24 Saige McKay D FR 31 3 7 10 4/8 0 0 1 +11 21 20 3 7 10 4/8 0 0 1 +17 17 31 3 7 10
14 Julia Hoffmann D FR 29 1 8 9 16/43 0 0 0 -2 39 18 1 7 8 12/35 0 0 0 +5 29 29 1 8 9
25 Morgan Schauer D JR 32 1 8 9 15/30 0 0 0 -2 38 20 0 6 6 9/18 0 0 0 +11 26 72 1 8 9
8 Linn Ploug D FR 30 1 7 8 13/26 0 0 0 +1 43 18 0 6 6 5/10 0 0 0 +13 26 30 1 7 8
29 Lauren Spino D FR 32 0 6 6 14/28 0 0 0 E 21 20 0 5 5 10/20 0 0 0 +11 20 32 0 6 6
7 Grace Dima D SO 32 3 2 5 22/44 0 0 0 +2 34 20 2 2 4 17/34 0 0 0 +6 23 32 3 2 5
3 Elissa Taylor F FR 27 2 2 4   0 0 0 E 11 16 2 1 3   0 0 0 E 10 27 2 2 4
19 Erin Hinch F FR 32 2 0 2   0 0 0 E 8 20 2 0 2   0 0 0 +2 7 32 2 0 2
17 Issy Lebrun D FR 30 0 2 2 2/4 0 0 0 +1 21 20 0 2 2 2/4 0 0 0 +3 17 30 0 2 2
31 Kenzie Harmison G FR 15 0 1 1 1/2 0 0 0 +11 0 7 0 1 1   0 0 0 +13 0 15 0 1 1
32 Mia McLeod G FR 16 0 1 1   0 0 0 +11 0 11 0 1 1   0 0 0 +22 0 16 0 1 1
1 Ava Bailey G FR 7 0 0 0   0 0 0 -16 0 3 0 0 0   0 0 0 E 0 7 0 0 0
  Bench         2/4                              
Long Island University Totals 32 100 138 238 192/406 18 4 14 +1 881 20 78 112 190 130/282 12 3 11 +31 648
Opponent Totals 32 107 158 265 125/272 26 1 18 -1 1169 20 51 63 114 85/181 16 1 9 -31 583
## Goaltending (Overall) YR GP Minutes GA Saves Shots Save% GAA Record Win% GS SO %Time
32 Mia McLeod FR 16 862:09 49 494 543 .910 3.416-7-0.462 14 1 44.8%
31 Kenzie Harmison FR 15 720:22 24 381 405 .941 2.007-6-0.538 12 4 37.4%
1 Ava Bailey FR 7 331:46 30 187 217 .862 5.431-5-0.167 6 0 17.2%
    Open Net 10 11:13 4   4             0.6%
Long Island University Totals 32 1925:30 107 1062 1169 .908 3.3314-18-0.438 32 5100.0%
Opponent Totals 32 1925:30 100 781 881 .886 3.1218-14-0.562 32 3100.0%
## Goaltending (Conference Only) YR GP Minutes GA Saves Shots Save% GAA Record Win% GS SO %Time
32 Mia McLeod FR 11 620:23 26 293 319 .918 2.516-4-0.600 10 1 51.6%
31 Kenzie Harmison FR 7 394:24 13 174 187 .930 1.984-3-0.571 7 1 32.8%
1 Ava Bailey FR 3 179:01 9 65 74 .878 3.021-2-0.333 3 0 14.9%
    Open Net 7 9:15 3   3             0.8%
Long Island University Totals 20 1203:03 51 532 583 .913 2.5411-9-0.550 20 2100.0%
Opponent Totals 20 1203:03 78 570 648 .880 3.899-11-0.450 20 1100.0%
## Goaltending (Career) YR GP Minutes GA Saves Shots Save% GAA Record Win% GS SO
32 Mia McLeod FR 16 862:09 49 494 543 .910 3.416-7-0 .462 14 1
31 Kenzie Harmison FR 15 720:22 24 381 405 .941 2.007-6-0 .538 12 4
1 Ava Bailey FR 7 331:46 30 187 217 .862 5.431-5-0 .167 6 0
Special Teams Overall Conference Only
Power Play Penalty Kill Combined PPC/G Power Play Penalty Kill Combined PPC/G
Long Island University 18/117 .154 155/181 .856 173/298 .581 3.7 12/ 78 .154 104/120 .867 116/198 .586 3.9
Opponents 26/181 .144 99/117 .846 125/298 .419 5.7 16/120 .133 66/ 78 .846 82/198 .414 6.0
Scoring/Shots Overall Scoring Overall Shots Conference Scoring Conference Shots
1st 2nd 3rd OT TOT 1st 2nd 3rd OT SOG 1st 2nd 3rd OT TOT 1st 2nd 3rd OT SOG
Long Island University32 36 32 0 100 289 296 294 2 881 23 28 27 0 78 214 224 210 0 648
Opponents36 40 29 2 107 384 414 367 4 1169 13 22 15 1 51 192 214 176 1 583
Difference-4 -4 +3 -2 -7 -95 -118 -73 -2 -288 +10 +6 +12 -1 +27 +22 +10 +34 -1 +65
Game Averages Overall Conference Only
Long Island University 3.12 4.31 7.44 27.5 6.0 12.7 0.6 3.90 5.60 9.50 32.4 6.5 14.1 0.6
Opponents 3.34 4.94 8.28 36.5 3.9 8.5 0.8 2.55 3.15 5.70 29.1 4.2 9.1 0.8
Difference -0.22 -0.62 -0.84 -9.0 +2.1 +4.2 -0.2 +1.35 +2.45 +3.80 +3.2 +2.2 +5.0 -0.2
Situational Records Overall Situational Records Conference
Location Home: 15 6- 9- 0 Away: 16 7- 9- 0 Neutral: 1 1- 0- 0 Location Home: 10 5- 5- 0 Away: 10 6- 4- 0 Neutral: 0 0- 0- 0
End 1st Ahead: 12 10- 2- 0 Behind: 12 0-12- 0 Even: 8 4- 4- 0 End 1st Ahead: 9 8- 1- 0 Behind: 6 0- 6- 0 Even: 5 3- 2- 0
End 2nd Ahead: 13 12- 1- 0 Behind: 16 1-15- 0 Even: 3 1- 2- 0 End 2nd Ahead: 10 9- 1- 0 Behind: 9 1- 8- 0 Even: 1 1- 0- 0
Margin 1: 6 2- 4 2: 7 2- 5 3+: 19 10- 9 Margin 1: 3 1- 2 2: 7 2- 5 3+: 10 8- 2
First Goal For: 19 14- 5- 0 Against: 13 0-13- 0   First Goal For: 14 11- 3- 0 Against: 6 0- 6- 0  

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