Amherst (AMH) at Connecticut College (CTC)
Date: Sunday, January 14, 2018
Conference Game
Attendance: 163
Start Time: 3:00 pm  End Time: 5:00 pm  Total Time: 2:00

Scoring by Period - AMH 0-0-2=2; CTC 1-2-0=3

1st Period
Scoring - 1, CTC Paul Capozzi/6 (Ryan Petti/5, Brett Stirling/2) 11:57
Penalties - Mason Evans, CTC (Interference) 0:55; Mason Evans, CTC (Tripping) 7:16; Patrick Daly, AMH (Holding) 13:38; Jack Fitzgerald, AMH (Boarding) 17:56

2nd Period
Scoring - 2, CTC Kyle Moss/1 (Brendan O'Connell/1, Bryan Ackil/3) 3:21
3, CTC Brendan O'Connell/1 (Kevin Doyle/2) 19:48 (GW)
Penalties - None

3rd Period
Scoring - 4, AMH Jack Fitzgerald/2 (Joey Lupo/2, Nick Bondra/6) 8:11 (PP)
5, AMH Joey Lupo/3 (Max Roche/2) 16:44 (SH)
Penalties - Tyler Granara, AMH (Hooking) 0:22; Noah Gilreath, AMH (Slashing) 1:11; Patrick Daly, AMH (Holding) 5:12; Jacob Moreau, CTC (Slashing) 6:27; Brett Stirling, CTC (Slashing) 14:21; Pieter von Steinbergs, AMH (Hooking) 15:08

Amherst Goaltending - Connor Girard (58:43, 23 shots, 20 saves, 3 GA); Empty Net (1:17, 0 GA)

Connecticut College Goaltending - Connor Rodericks (60:00, 35 shots, 33 saves, 2 GA)

Win - Connor Rodericks, CTC (5-3-0). Loss - Connor Girard, AMH (3-3-3).

Shots On Goal - AMH 7-15-13=35; CTC 9-12-2=23

Power Plays - AMH 1 of 4; CTC 0 of 6

Penalties - AMH 6 (12 min); CTC 4 (8 min)

New Records - Connecticut College 5-8-0, Amherst 5-6-3

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