Cornell Big Red (Women)
 2017-2018 Team Statistics
 2017-2018 Schedule & Results
 2017-2018 Roster
 2017-2018 Team Statistics (Text)
 2016-2017 Team Statistics

Scoring Overall - 33 GP (21-9-3 .682) Conference Only - 22 GP (15-5-2 .727) Career
20 Kristin O'Neill F SO 31 20 21 41 15/30 4 4 7 +26 153 20 12 15 27 7/14 4 3 5 +16 104 62 34 33 67
22 Maddie Mills F FR 33 18 15 33 3/6 8 1 5 +15 97 22 12 8 20 1/2 6 0 3 +9 62 33 18 15 33
14 Jaime Bourbonnais D SO 31 3 21 24 15/30 1 0 1 +15 86 20 3 16 19 5/10 1 0 1 +8 57 62 8 32 40
24 Sarah Knee D SR 33 5 17 22 11/22 1 0 0 +4 55 22 4 13 17 6/12 1 0 0 +2 36 131 9 27 36
10 Brianna Veerman F SR 32 5 15 20 20/43 2 0 2 +10 43 22 3 8 11 11/25 1 0 1 +2 27 119 17 36 53
17 Lenka Serdar F JR 33 5 13 18 7/14 0 1 0 +12 69 22 2 10 12 4/8 0 1 0 +4 46 98 9 29 38
18 Paige Lewis F SO 33 7 9 16 3/6 1 1 1 +4 89 22 7 6 13 2/4 1 1 1 +1 67 67 12 14 26
19 Diana Buckley F JR 33 7 7 14 4/8 2 0 0 -2 67 22 2 5 7 3/6 1 0 0 -1 46 98 15 17 32
5 Grace Graham F SO 33 7 4 11 5/10 0 0 2 -3 64 22 6 2 8 5/10 0 0 2 -4 48 67 11 4 15
21 Amy Curlew F SO 30 4 7 11 7/14 0 0 0 E 35 22 3 4 7 3/6 0 0 0 -2 26 58 11 13 24
27 Willow Slobodzian D FR 25 3 5 8 11/22 1 0 0 +13 33 18 3 2 5 8/16 1 0 0 +9 24 25 3 5 8
15 Pippy Gerace F JR 31 1 7 8 3/6 0 0 1 +1 29 21 1 4 5 2/4 0 0 1 E 23 88 12 15 27
4 Kendra Nealey D FR 33 5 2 7 2/4 0 0 1 -2 32 22 2 2 4   0 0 0 -1 23 33 5 2 7
2 Erin O'Connor D SR 33 1 6 7 8/16 0 1 0 +6 52 22 0 2 2 5/10 0 0 0 +3 37 131 9 40 49
6 Joie Phelps F FR 33 6 0 6 2/4 0 0 1 +3 29 22 4 0 4 2/4 0 0 1 +4 20 33 6 0 6
9 Devon Facchinato D FR 33 1 5 6 4/8 0 0 0 +6 24 22 0 3 3 3/6 0 0 0 E 16 33 1 5 6
23 Finley Frechette F FR 33 2 1 3 2/4 0 0 0 +1 10 22 2 1 3 2/4 0 0 0 +1 7 33 2 1 3
12 Hanna Mutschelknaus F SO 29 0 2 2   0 0 0 +2 10 18 0 2 2   0 0 0 +2 7 62 0 4 4
1 Marlene Boissonnault G JR 31 0 2 2 1/2 0 0 0 +32 0 20 0 2 2 1/2 0 0 0 +21 0 52 0 2 2
29 Lindsay Browning G FR 4 0 0 0   0 0 0 -7 0 4 0 0 0   0 0 0 -7 0 4 0 0 0
  Bench         1/2                   1/2          
Cornell Totals 33 100 159 259 124/251 20 8 21 +24 977 22 66 105 171 71/145 16 5 15 +12 676
Opponent Totals 33 65 104 169 139/297 9 2 9 -24 762 22 42 64 106 87/193 4 2 5 -12 473
## Goaltending (Overall) YR GP Minutes GA Saves Shots Save% GAA Record Win% GS SO %Time
1 Marlene Boissonnault JR 31 1842:58 54 652 706 .924 1.7621-7-3.726 31 7 92.1%
29 Lindsay Browning FR 4 145:28 9 45 54 .833 3.710-2-0.000 2 0 7.3%
    Open Net 15 13:10 2   2             0.7%
Cornell Totals 33 2001:36 65 697 762 .915 1.9521-9-3.682 33 7100.0%
Opponent Totals 33 2001:36 100 877 977 .898 3.009-21-3.318 33 2100.0%
## Goaltending (Conference Only) YR GP Minutes GA Saves Shots Save% GAA Record Win% GS SO %Time
1 Marlene Boissonnault JR 20 1176:28 31 386 417 .926 1.5815-3-2.800 20 5 88.4%
29 Lindsay Browning FR 4 145:28 9 45 54 .833 3.710-2-0.000 2 0 10.9%
    Open Net 10 8:26 2   2             0.6%
Cornell Totals 22 1330:22 42 431 473 .911 1.8915-5-2.727 22 5100.0%
Opponent Totals 22 1330:22 66 610 676 .902 2.985-15-2.273 22 2100.0%
## Goaltending (Career) YR GP Minutes GA Saves Shots Save% GAA Record Win% GS SO
1 Marlene Boissonnault JR 52 3069:39 96 1064 1160 .917 1.8836-9-5 .770 51 9
29 Lindsay Browning FR 4 145:28 9 45 54 .833 3.710-2-0 .000 2 0
Special Teams Overall Conference Only
Power Play Penalty Kill Combined PPC/G Power Play Penalty Kill Combined PPC/G
Cornell 20/134 .149 110/119 .924 130/253 .514 4.1 16/ 83 .193 64/ 68 .941 80/151 .530 3.8
Opponents 9/119 .076 114/134 .851 123/253 .486 3.6 4/ 68 .059 67/ 83 .807 71/151 .470 3.1
Scoring/Shots Overall Scoring Overall Shots Conference Scoring Conference Shots
1st 2nd 3rd OT TOT 1st 2nd 3rd OT SOG 1st 2nd 3rd OT TOT 1st 2nd 3rd OT SOG
Cornell38 38 24 0 100 322 335 314 6 977 25 26 15 0 66 220 236 217 3 676
Opponents16 27 20 2 65 236 276 241 9 762 9 15 17 1 42 153 164 152 4 473
Difference+22 +11 +4 -2 +35 +86 +59 +73 -3 +215 +16 +11 -2 -1 +24 +67 +72 +65 -1 +203
Game Averages Overall Conference Only
Cornell 3.03 4.82 7.85 29.6 3.8 7.6 0.6 3.00 4.77 7.77 30.7 3.2 6.6 0.7
Opponents 1.97 3.15 5.12 23.1 4.2 9.0 0.3 1.91 2.91 4.82 21.5 4.0 8.8 0.2
Difference +1.06 +1.67 +2.73 +6.5 -0.5 -1.4 +0.3 +1.09 +1.86 +2.95 +9.2 -0.7 -2.2 +0.5
Situational Records Overall Situational Records Conference
Location Home: 18 12- 4- 2 Away: 14 9- 4- 1 Neutral: 1 0- 1- 0 Location Home: 11 9- 1- 1 Away: 11 6- 4- 1 Neutral: 0 0- 0- 0
End 1st Ahead: 15 12- 2- 1 Behind: 4 0- 4- 0 Even: 14 9- 3- 2 End 1st Ahead: 10 8- 1- 1 Behind: 2 0- 2- 0 Even: 10 7- 2- 1
End 2nd Ahead: 20 17- 2- 1 Behind: 8 0- 6- 2 Even: 5 4- 1- 0 End 2nd Ahead: 13 11- 1- 1 Behind: 4 0- 3- 1 Even: 5 4- 1- 0
Margin 1: 11 6- 5 2: 6 5- 1 3+: 13 10- 3 Margin 1: 6 4- 2 2: 4 4- 0 3+: 10 7- 3
First Goal For: 25 21- 3- 1 Against: 8 0- 6- 2   First Goal For: 17 15- 1- 1 Against: 5 0- 4- 1  

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