Robert Morris Colonials (Women)
 2016-2017 Team Statistics
 2016-2017 Schedule & Results
 2016-2017 Roster
 2016-2017 Team Statistics (Text)
 2015-2016 Team Statistics

Scoring Overall - 35 GP (24-5-6 .771) Conference Only - 20 GP (15-3-2 .800) Career
3 Brittany Howard F JR 35 20 30 50 26/52 8 0 3 +15 160 20 7 18 25 17/34 2 0 1 +10 83 107 54 78132
17 Jaycee Gebhard F FR 35 22 24 46 8/16 9 0 3 +16 125 20 13 10 23 4/8 5 0 3 +11 72 35 22 24 46
23 Amber Rennie F SO 35 9 15 24 4/8 2 0 1 +12 79 20 5 6 11 4/8 1 0 1 +6 46 73 19 25 44
4 Kirsten Welsh D SO 35 9 14 23 30/71 4 0 2 +11 101 20 3 11 14 15/30 1 0 1 +12 65 73 16 32 48
9 Maggie LaGue D SO 35 3 19 22 14/28 2 0 0 +5 67 20 1 8 9 11/22 1 0 0 +6 31 73 5 39 44
28 Amanda Pantaleo F JR 35 11 7 18 8/16 1 1 3 +6 56 20 7 5 12 5/10 0 1 2 +8 33 108 21 12 33
19 Katherine Murphy D JR 34 1 17 18 3/6 0 0 1 +15 29 20 1 10 11 2/4 0 0 1 +14 18 106 4 40 44
15 Maeve Garvey F SR 35 9 8 17 14/28 4 0 3 +3 75 20 6 6 12 6/12 2 0 1 +7 47 133 27 34 61
18 Jessica Gazzola F JR 35 7 10 17 16/32 1 0 4 +8 85 20 3 6 9 8/16 0 0 1 +8 54 108 14 24 38
14 Mikaela Lowater D SR 35 2 10 12 8/16 0 0 1 +7 57 20 2 8 10 6/12 0 0 1 +4 35 141 15 41 56
25 Aneta Lédlová F FR 31 5 4 9 10/20 0 0 0 -4 39 18 5 3 8 7/14 0 0 0 +2 24 31 5 4 9
10 Rikki Meilleur F SR 31 5 2 7 8/16 0 0 2 -2 52 18 5 1 6 5/10 0 0 2 +2 25 137 21 19 40
26 Mackenzie Johnston F SR 25 1 5 6 8/16 0 0 1 +1 46 12 1 2 3 2/4 0 0 1 +2 24 131 27 31 58
12 Leah Carey D JR 35 0 5 5 5/10 0 0 0 +1 22 20 0 3 3 4/8 0 0 0 +1 12 85 0 5 5
11 Natalie Fraser D JR 35 1 3 4 10/20 0 0 0 -2 28 20 1 1 2 3/6 0 0 0 +3 11 105 7 6 13
27 Natalie Marcuzzi F FR 34 1 2 3 4/8 0 0 0 -1 13 20 0 1 1 2/4 0 0 0 -1 9 34 1 2 3
8 Sarah Quaranta F SO 35 0 3 3 7/14 0 0 0 -6 22 20 0 1 1 4/8 0 0 0 -1 13 73 5 22 27
1 Jessica Dodds G SR 24 0 1 1   0 0 0 +15 0 15 0 1 1   0 0 0 +17 0 116 0 7 7
31 Elijah Milne-Price G JR 1 0 0 0   0 0 0 +2 0                     4 0 0 0
29 Lauren Bailey G SO 11 0 0 0 1/2 0 0 0 +2 0 5 0 0 0 1/2 0 0 0 +4 0 19 0 0 0
16 Emma Low-A-Chee F FR 20 0 0 0 2/4 0 0 0 -1 11 12 0 0 0 2/4 0 0 0 -1 3 20 0 0 0
7 Victoria Harshman F SO 28 0 0 0 2/4 0 0 0 E 10 16 0 0 0 1/2 0 0 0 +1 6 56 0 2 2
  Bench         3/6                   1/2          
Robert Morris Totals 35 106 179 285 191/393 31 1 24 +18 1077 20 60 101 161 110/220 12 1 15 +20 611
Opponent Totals 35 74 119 193 200/419 17 1 5 -18 974 20 37 61 98 119/246 9 0 3 -20 547
## Goaltending (Overall) YR GP Minutes GA Saves Shots Save% GAA Record Win% GS SO %Time
1 Jessica Dodds SR 24 1430:47 45 604 649 .931 1.8916-3-5.771 24 3 67.0%
29 Lauren Bailey SO 11 637:48 27 277 304 .911 2.547-2-1.750 10 0 29.9%
31 Elijah Milne-Price JR 1 59:53 1 19 20 .950 1.001-0-01.000 1 0 2.8%
    Open Net 15 6:14 1   1             0.3%
Robert Morris Totals 35 2134:42 74 900 974 .924 2.0824-5-6.771 35 3100.0%
Opponent Totals 35 2134:42 106 971 1077 .902 2.985-24-6.229 35 1100.0%
## Goaltending (Conference Only) YR GP Minutes GA Saves Shots Save% GAA Record Win% GS SO %Time
1 Jessica Dodds SR 15 903:25 26 385 411 .937 1.7312-2-1.833 15 2 74.6%
29 Lauren Bailey SO 5 303:20 10 125 135 .926 1.983-1-1.700 5 0 25.0%
    Open Net 8 4:19 1   1             0.4%
Robert Morris Totals 20 1211:04 37 510 547 .932 1.8315-3-2.800 20 2100.0%
Opponent Totals 20 1211:04 60 551 611 .902 2.973-15-2.200 20 0100.0%
## Goaltending (Career) YR GP Minutes GA Saves Shots Save% GAA Record Win% GS SO
1 Jessica Dodds SR 116 6830:52238 2926 3164 .925 2.0961-37-16 .605114 14
29 Lauren Bailey SO 19 991:48 43 464 507 .915 2.609-5-2 .625 15 0
31 Elijah Milne-Price JR 4 115:30 4 40 44 .909 2.081-0-01.000 1 0
Special Teams Overall Conference Only
Power Play Penalty Kill Combined PPC/G Power Play Penalty Kill Combined PPC/G
Robert Morris 31/185 .168 161/178 .904 192/363 .529 5.3 12/106 .113 90/ 99 .909 102/205 .498 5.3
Opponents 17/178 .096 154/185 .832 171/363 .471 5.1 9/ 99 .091 94/106 .887 103/205 .502 4.9
Scoring/Shots Overall Scoring Overall Shots Conference Scoring Conference Shots
1st 2nd 3rd OT TOT 1st 2nd 3rd OT SOG 1st 2nd 3rd OT TOT 1st 2nd 3rd OT SOG
Robert Morris32 38 35 1 106 357 392 319 9 1077 18 19 22 1 60 218 226 165 2 611
Opponents21 29 23 1 74 301 357 297 19 974 13 9 15 0 37 146 200 194 7 547
Difference+11 +9 +12 +0 +32 +56 +35 +22 -10 +103 +5 +10 +7 +1 +23 +72 +26 -29 -5 +64
Game Averages Overall Conference Only
Robert Morris 3.03 5.11 8.14 30.8 5.5 11.2 0.9 3.00 5.05 8.05 30.6 5.5 11.0 0.6
Opponents 2.11 3.40 5.51 27.8 5.7 12.0 0.5 1.85 3.05 4.90 27.4 6.0 12.3 0.5
Difference +0.91 +1.71 +2.63 +2.9 -0.3 -0.7 +0.4 +1.15 +2.00 +3.15 +3.2 -0.5 -1.3 +0.1
Situational Records Overall Situational Records Conference
Location Home: 16 11- 2- 3 Away: 15 10- 3- 2 Neutral: 4 3- 0- 1 Location Home: 10 7- 2- 1 Away: 10 8- 1- 1 Neutral: 0 0- 0- 0
End 1st Ahead: 13 12- 1- 0 Behind: 8 2- 4- 2 Even: 14 10- 0- 4 End 1st Ahead: 7 7- 0- 0 Behind: 6 2- 3- 1 Even: 7 6- 0- 1
End 2nd Ahead: 19 16- 1- 2 Behind: 7 2- 4- 1 Even: 9 6- 0- 3 End 2nd Ahead: 11 10- 0- 1 Behind: 3 0- 3- 0 Even: 6 5- 0- 1
Margin 1: 14 11- 3 2: 6 6- 0 3+: 9 7- 2 Margin 1: 9 7- 2 2: 3 3- 0 3+: 6 5- 1
First Goal For: 19 15- 2- 2 Against: 16 9- 3- 4   First Goal For: 9 8- 1- 0 Against: 11 7- 2- 2  

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