Harvard Crimson (Men)
2009-2010 Numerical Roster 
(30 Players)
2009-2010 Team Statistics
2009-2010 Schedule & Results
2008-2009 Roster

#NameYr / PosHeightWeightS/CYOBHometown / Last Team
#1John RileySR G5-11190L88Lake Forest, Illinois / Team Illinois (MWEHL)
#3Alex Biega (BUF)SR D5-11195R88Montreal, Quebec / Salisbury School
#5Jack ChristianSR D6-2230R87Wilton, Connecticut / The Taft School
#6Ryan GrimshawSO D6-0195R90Rochester, New York / U.S. National Under-18 Team
#7Chad MorinSR D6-0210L88Auburn, New York / Sioux City (USHL)
#8Ian TallettSR D6-2207L87St. Louis, Missouri / Chicago (USHL)
#9Danny BiegaFR D6-0200R91Montreal, Quebec / Salisbury School
#10Eric KroshusSO F6-1197R89Calgary, Alberta / Penticton (BCHL)
#11Daniel MoriartySO F5-9187R87Estevan, Saskatchewan / Alberni Valley (BCHL)
#12Colin MooreSO F5-10183R90Medfield, Massachusetts / U.S. National Under-18 Team
#13Michael Del MauroJR F6-1195R87Watchung, New Jersey / Indiana (USHL)
#14Peter StarrettSO D6-3210R89Bellingham, Massachusetts / Catholic Memorial School
#15Doug Rogers (NYI)SR F6-1195R88Watertown, Massachusetts / St. Sebastian's School
#16Alex Fallstrom (BOS)FR F6-2200R90Stockholm, Sweden / Shattuck-St. Mary's School
#17Rence CoassinSO D6-1200R88Hamden, Connecticut / New Hampshire (EJHL)
#18Sam BozoianJR F6-0185L87St. Charles, Missouri / Choate Rosemary Hall
#19Alex Killorn (TBL)SO F6-1195L89Montreal, Quebec / Deerfield Academy
#20Louis Leblanc (MON)FR F6-0180R91Kirkland, Quebec / Omaha (USHL)
#21Marshall EversonFR F6-2204L90Edina, Minnesota / Edina High School
#22David ValekFR F6-2205R91Zagreb, Croatia / U.S. National Under-18 Team
#23Matt McCollem (STL)JR F6-1205L88Somerville, Massachusetts / Belmont Hill School
#24Luke GreinerFR F5-10187L90Faribault, Minnesota / Shattuck-St. Mary's School
#27Michael BiegaJR F5-11195R89Montreal, Quebec / Salisbury School
#28Chris HuxleyJR D5-11202L87Weymouth, Massachusetts / Sioux Falls (USHL)
#29Alex LeinberrySO D6-2210R89Chester Springs, Pennsylvania / The Hill School
#33Kyle RichterJR G6-1188L88Calgary, Alberta / Brooks (AJHL)
#35Ryan CarrollJR G5-11170L88Hackensack, New Jersey / Tabor Academy
#38Conor MorrisonFR F5-8160L89London, Ontario / Salmon Arm (BCHL)
#39Pier-Olivier MichaudJR F5-10180L88Mont-Joli, Quebec / Portland (AJHL)
#42Brendan RempelFR D6-3200R91Willington, Connecticut / U.S. National Under-18 Team

Head Coach: Ted Donato (Harvard '91)
Career Record (Entering 2009-2010): 82-68-17 (.542) (5 Seasons)
Record at Harvard (Entering 2009-2010): 82-68-17 (.542) (5 Seasons)

Assistant Coach: Bobby Jay (Merrimack '88)
Assistant Coach: Patrick Foley (New Hampshire '04)
Volunteer Assistant Coach: Bruce Irving (Cornell '85)
Athletic Trainer: Chad Krawiec (Boston University '97)
Strength and Conditioning Coach: Tim Mullen

Harvard Crimson (Men)
2009-2010 Alphabetical Roster 
(30 Players)
2009-2010 Team Statistics
2009-2010 Schedule & Results
2008-2009 Roster

#NameYr / PosHeightWeightS/CYOBHometown / Last Team
#3Alex Biega (BUF)SR D5-11195R88Montreal, Quebec / Salisbury School
#9Danny BiegaFR D6-0200R91Montreal, Quebec / Salisbury School
#27Michael BiegaJR F5-11195R89Montreal, Quebec / Salisbury School
#18Sam BozoianJR F6-0185L87St. Charles, Missouri / Choate Rosemary Hall
#35Ryan CarrollJR G5-11170L88Hackensack, New Jersey / Tabor Academy
#5Jack ChristianSR D6-2230R87Wilton, Connecticut / The Taft School
#17Rence CoassinSO D6-1200R88Hamden, Connecticut / New Hampshire (EJHL)
#13Michael Del MauroJR F6-1195R87Watchung, New Jersey / Indiana (USHL)
#21Marshall EversonFR F6-2204L90Edina, Minnesota / Edina High School
#16Alex Fallstrom (BOS)FR F6-2200R90Stockholm, Sweden / Shattuck-St. Mary's School
#24Luke GreinerFR F5-10187L90Faribault, Minnesota / Shattuck-St. Mary's School
#6Ryan GrimshawSO D6-0195R90Rochester, New York / U.S. National Under-18 Team
#28Chris HuxleyJR D5-11202L87Weymouth, Massachusetts / Sioux Falls (USHL)
#19Alex Killorn (TBL)SO F6-1195L89Montreal, Quebec / Deerfield Academy
#10Eric KroshusSO F6-1197R89Calgary, Alberta / Penticton (BCHL)
#20Louis Leblanc (MON)FR F6-0180R91Kirkland, Quebec / Omaha (USHL)
#29Alex LeinberrySO D6-2210R89Chester Springs, Pennsylvania / The Hill School
#23Matt McCollem (STL)JR F6-1205L88Somerville, Massachusetts / Belmont Hill School
#39Pier-Olivier MichaudJR F5-10180L88Mont-Joli, Quebec / Portland (AJHL)
#12Colin MooreSO F5-10183R90Medfield, Massachusetts / U.S. National Under-18 Team
#11Daniel MoriartySO F5-9187R87Estevan, Saskatchewan / Alberni Valley (BCHL)
#7Chad MorinSR D6-0210L88Auburn, New York / Sioux City (USHL)
#38Conor MorrisonFR F5-8160L89London, Ontario / Salmon Arm (BCHL)
#42Brendan RempelFR D6-3200R91Willington, Connecticut / U.S. National Under-18 Team
#33Kyle RichterJR G6-1188L88Calgary, Alberta / Brooks (AJHL)
#1John RileySR G5-11190L88Lake Forest, Illinois / Team Illinois (MWEHL)
#15Doug Rogers (NYI)SR F6-1195R88Watertown, Massachusetts / St. Sebastian's School
#14Peter StarrettSO D6-3210R89Bellingham, Massachusetts / Catholic Memorial School
#8Ian TallettSR D6-2207L87St. Louis, Missouri / Chicago (USHL)
#22David ValekFR F6-2205R91Zagreb, Croatia / U.S. National Under-18 Team

Head Coach: Ted Donato (Harvard '91)
Career Record (Entering 2009-2010): 82-68-17 (.542) (5 Seasons)
Record at Harvard (Entering 2009-2010): 82-68-17 (.542) (5 Seasons)

Assistant Coach: Bobby Jay (Merrimack '88)
Assistant Coach: Patrick Foley (New Hampshire '04)
Volunteer Assistant Coach: Bruce Irving (Cornell '85)
Athletic Trainer: Chad Krawiec (Boston University '97)
Strength and Conditioning Coach: Tim Mullen

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